
heritage assessments
heritage area studies and guidelines
heritage area guidelines
architectural design
contract management and administration
3-d laser scanning and archival recording
seismic upgrading and resilience
policy development

conservation planning
character and visual assessments
condition investigation and analysis
adaptive re-use
detailed design and documentation
resource and building consent applications
measured building survey
maintenance planning
expert witness

Read what clients say about us

Archifact ltd provided expert heritage advice to the client, the design team and the construction team. With careful, thorough and expert oversight, archifact ltd contributed significantly to resolve the challenges to secure and upgrade the building.  From a built heritage perspective, this project sets a high standard both in design, construction and project oversight. The result is one of the best examples of revitalisation of a significant heritage place in the Auckland region – Ian Grant, Senior Built Heritage Specialist at Auckland Council on completion of 44 Symonds Street, Auckland

We instructed archifact to assist us with the heritage aspects of the Unitary Plan process. They understood our issues and provided us with proactive advice that was easy to understand and incorporate in to our response to the Council and the Panel - Michael Frawley, CEO, Motat