The Strand is a place of recognised historic heritage value. The programme of conservation and adaptive reuse has sensitively and appropriately enhanced the significant contribution of The Strand to its surrounding built environment. More than that however, the contribution of The Strand has a wider contribution to its place in other contexts including the celebration of its heritage and the elegant environmentalism that comes from the commitment invested in securing its on-going viability and future.
The conservation of The Strand meets all the recognised key urban design protocols. We have conserved and protected the contribution this landmark building makes within its local and historic context. We have celebrated the contribution this heritage building makes to the enhancement of our culture through its conservation and adaptive reuse and of the dynamics of The Strand’s distinctive character. The adaptive reuse of The Strand has created a diverse and flexible place where choice lends resilience to the building and to its sustainable future. The Strand is a building with inherently strong connections to established infrastructure and where its place in that context is strongly connected. The conservation and adaptive reuse of The Strand is based on a fundamental commitment by its owners to practice good stewardship and the positive roles and opportunities responsible custodianship brings have been celebrated. The future of the Strand has been assured through the strength of the collaboration of experts in their fields to inform the decision making process and achieve a model of practical best practice.